My dear Friend and president, DJT,
Thanks for changing your mind about bombing Iran. I agree with Morning Joe that now is the time for "courageous restraint."I encourage you to reconsider whether JRB is the guy you want giving you security advice. I'm afraid he's trigger happy.
How wonderful to read in the Toronto Sun that you "displayed a statesman’s grace in welcoming" JPJT to the WH yesterday! The WP quoted a wonk named, Laura Dawson, as saying that you are ready to do "a buddy-helping-a-buddy-type intervention" for JPJT when you talk to XJ next week in Japan to suggest China free those Canadians they've locked up. It was such a relief to hear you say that you would be doing anything you can to help Canada.
I understand that you are both eager to get U.S.M.C.A.passed by your lawmakers. I'm disappointed with the environmental provisions in it. Please consider putting in some incentives for Mexico to stop polluting so much. As you know from your visit to Calexico, they are making a mess. You'll remember that the New River stinks to high heaven and brings all kinds of garbage and chemicals into the US which the folks in CA have to deal with. NPP might expedite passage if you added a few environmental protections.
I encourage you to take a look at David Brook's piece in the NYT today. He argues we should embrace the "radical pluralism" of our country. He instructs us to "interact with the world around you, confident in your own particularity, but realize that every time you seek to dominate others, you will wind up dominated." Good advice, don't you think?
I hope that you listen closely to the hurricane briefing today and that the Ferris Wheel is a big hit at your Congressional Picnic this evening. It looks like a lovely day for it.