My dear Friend and president, DJT,
I hope that the Guardian is printing "fake news" when it says that you "set the stage for the nastiest US presidential race in modern times" last night in Orlando. I am not sure how much of this nastiness I can take. Hearing you talk about "ripping babies from their mothers' wombs" and how "the system is rigged", hearing you call Democrats pejoratives such as "unhinged, "depraved" and "corrupt" and hearing that they spread "hatred, prejudice, and rage" left me feeling bereft. Even more disturbing are the cheers from the crowd that come with your meanness. Don't be fooled by those cheers. According to a Pew Research National Survey, 76% of their participants were "concerned" by your rhetoric and 67% were "exhausted." I am both. Could you please tone it down?
It's too bad that Patrick Shanahan's (PMS) family has had so many troubles. I encourage you to do more vetting of the next candidate for Secretary of Defense so he and his family don't have to have their domestic violence problems printed on the front page of the WP. It's hard for me to imagine a family where a son would hit his mom in the head with a baseball bat. I'm afraid that PMS is right when he says that dredging up the episode publicly “will ruin my son’s life.”
You better get busy finding a new secdef. According to the Military Times, the folks in Congress were worried about that vacancy in March, especially Sen. Jim Inhofe(JMI), who as chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee has heard concerns from other countries about the leadership vacuum. Maybe you should call up Heather Wilson. She might be willing to come back from her new gig as President of UT-El Paso and help out. Defense news says she did a great job as Air Force Sec, so she's ready for next step up the totem pole. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a woman in charge of the military?
I trust that your fundraising luncheon today will be a big success.
Safe travels back to DC,