My dear Friend and president, DJT,
It's a good thing that you're going to the National Day of Prayer dinner tonight. I think you are going to need all of the prayers you can get as Maxine Watershunts down your financial records.Based on my quick read of your history with Deutsche Bank, you demonstrated a great deal of creativity in your dealings with them. Did you really claim that the economic downturn was a “force majeure,”one of those Acts of God, that prevents you from fulfilling your financial obligations? The NYT noted your "extraordinary financial chutzpah" in borrowing money from one part of a bank to pay off a loan from another with the help of Rosemary T. Vrablic (RVT), your private banker. Are you still in touch with her? It continues to amaze me that every week I learn another story of intrigue about your acquaintances.
As you spend time with Dr. Ronnie Floyd this evening, please talk to him about his harsh stance on the LGBTQ community. It just doesn't seem consistent with his second "prayer priority" to "love one another."
I hope you will reconsider the plan to charge refugees to apply for asylum. Unfortunately, they do not have access to private bankers like RVT so they can't get a quick loan to pay the fee. I'm sure the application fee was Stephen Miller's idea and like so many of his ideas, it's misguided.
Enjoy your day,
PS - Thrilled to see that you came to an agreement with NPP and CES to spend $2 trillion on infrastructure!