My dear Friend and president, DJT,
It looks like you had a wonderful time coloring and talking politics with the kids at the Easter Egg Roll yesterday. Did you happen to catch the name of the little boy who asked you about the wall? I wonder what his conception of the wall is.
I continue to be delighted to learn something new as I click around the internet trying to find something to write to you about. Today I enjoyed reading an opinion piece in the NYT by U. of Chicago law Profs. Daniel Hemel and Eric Posnerwho wrote about how folks on the WH staff did not follow orders. They quoted the Federalist papers to point out the “projects of usurpation” (in the Presidential branch) would “immediately betray and defeat themselves.”Don't you just love that language? I find it reassuring that you have some checks and balances right there in the WH that are protecting us all from your worst impulses. You have to admit you DO act on impulse and those impulses are not always the best. I encourage you to take up the Quaker practice of discernment to counteract your impulsivity.
What can you tell me about Dr. Judy Shelton? Now that Herbert Cain has decided he doesn't want to be on the Federal Reserve Board, the WSJ thinks you should nominate Dr. Judy. I understand that she is an advocate of "Sound Money," whatever that is. When I read her WSJ Op-Ed piece where she wrote, "Intellectually fair-minded people should be able to debate the pros and cons of alternative monetary approaches without rancor" I got the feeling that she would be a positive force.
I hope your session with the WH photo journalist core goes well today. I hope you can extend the good will you bestow on them to the writers as well. I encourage you to remember PT Barnum's sentiment, "There is no such thing as bad publicity," and extend your gratitude to the press for keeping you in the news.