My dear Friend and President, DJT,
I am so happy to see that you went to church yesterday. I assume that St. John's blog post for the "first Sat. in Lent" was a preview to the sermon you heard reminding us to love our enemies and look for the best in people. I will keep echoing that message to you.
I encourage you to reread those tweets that you barraged the world with yesterday and contemplate whether you were spreading "Good News." When you "meet your maker", as my dad used to say, do you think he/she will approve?
On another matter, please confer with David Bernhardt to find a time to meet with my colleague, Prof. Gail Patricelli. She can fill you in on the mating habits of the sage grouse and help you understand why it's so important that you change your mind about stripping away their environmental protection. Gail calls herself a "pornothologist" because she's developed a fembot that she strategically places in sage grouse mating grounds, AKA "leks." The bots, equipped with hidden cameras, mimic all of the mating behaviors of real females. This allows her to study the strutting behaviors that make some of the males so dominant. I think you'd get a kick out of the conversation, in addition for gaining a new respect for the grouse.
During your interactions with the press at your Greek Independence Day celebration at the WH today, please spread some "Good News" by sending some encouraging words to the Muslim community in the USA and reassure them that they are an important part of our community.