My dear Friend and President, DJT,
It looks like you enjoyed yourself at the Shamrock Bowl presentation event with the taoiseach yesterday. Now that you and Leo are "fast friends," perhaps you could ask why the folks in Ireland would prefer an open border with Northern Ireland and why that issue is a sticking point in the Brexit deal. Perhaps that will help you appreciate why so many of us don't like border walls and why Theresa May is having such a hard time making a deal. Speaking of which, did you really have to criticize her saying, ""I'm surprised at how badly it has all gone from a standpoint of negotiations but I gave the prime minister my ideas of how to negotiate it, she didn't listen to that." Remember England is our friend. We don't want to make disparaging comments about its leader. The Brexit deal is more complex as the deal with KJU, and sadly that one doesn't seem to be working out too well.
While I know you were trying to be nice and funny, but did you really have to call the Irish, "sharp, smart, great and brutal enemies?" Like David McGrath writing in today's Chicago Tribune I don't like the idea of "judging an individual based on the content of his DNA, rather than the content of his character" because as he notes, it leads to "destructive prejudice." As a social scientist I have to remind you that there is more variability within a social group than there is between social groups, so labeling people and associating those labels with various personality traits leads to all kinds of misunderstanding. Best not to do that. Let's just celebrate our shared bonds with Ireland and leave it at that.
It's nice that you'll get a chance to visit Ireland this year.
PS - Please don't be mean to those 12 GOP Senators who voted to overturn the Declaration of Emergency at the border. Even if you are mad at them, you've got to admire their courage!!!