I am holding you in the Light as you face your impeachment. I know that you are staying positive, calling it “Impeachment Lite” in your speech in MI last night, but I know it’s bothering you. It’s not my position to judge you, but I do think that you overstepped. I am remaining hopeful that something good will come of all this.
Please call Rep Debbie Dingell to apologize for insinuating that her late husband, JDD, might be in hell. Just because she voted in favor of your impeachment is no reason to be so mean. While you’re at it, you better call JDD’s buddy, Rep. Fred Upton (FSU). He considers JDD to be a MI legend for his service in WWII and his 59 yrs in Congress. FSU is on your side and I think you’re going to need his support in the future.
Hang in there,
PS – Sorry I didn’t send a missive yesterday – too busy getting my grades in.