My dear Friend and President, DJT,
Wallito - How do you like that name for the edifice that you would like to put up in the desert? The brilliance of that moniker is that it contains the word, "wall", while making it sound cute and benign. The Spanish twist makes it amusing. You could tell your base that you are building the Wall, and the Dems can say, it's not really a wall. Or you could use Rep. James Clyburn's language and call it a "smart wall." That high tech aspect appeals to my demographic but not sure what your base will think of it. You are great at sales so I think if you explained that lasers and drones were better than a physical wall, your fans would buy it. I think they'd buy anything from you. They love you more than they love Ann C. or Rush, so go ahead and accept the offer of $5.9 billion for border security and call it what you will. You can claim victory and we can all move on.
I was happy to see you talking about a different issue yesterday at your Fair and Honest Pricing in Healthcare Roundtable. Yesterday's NYT noted that you were becoming a one-issue president so it's good to see that you are getting back to grappling with other pressing matters.
I love the idea of advertising drug prices on TV and making it clear to patients what the hospital is charging for their care. I am curious to know which prescription drug prices went down in 2018. I understand that the price of insulin has gone way up. So much so, that some folks think that the government should start manufacturing it. I know lots of folks who are dependent on it, and so please explore that option.
I think you made the right move in postponing the State of the Union address. I disagree with your assertion that NDP is "radicalized," and I don't think she's going to let your new descriptor bother her. Just remember, you both work for the people of the USA. I, for one, want to see you both be successful.
I've got to call some roofers,