

My dear Friend and President, DJT,


"For unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given. And the government shall be upon His shoulder; And his name shall be called the Wonderful Counsellor. .. The Prince of Peace."

Don't you just love that verse? May I recommend that you treat yourself to a few hours of Hendel's Messiah? It'll do your soul some good and will be much more uplifting than watching Fox News. Unfortunately, you missed the performances at the Washington Cathedral earlier in the month.  You can listen to it on I-tunes while sipping hot chocolate sitting in front of a blazing fire. You have 28 fireplaces to choose from so I'm sure there's one where you can relax.

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When you do so, I encourage you to take a look at yesterday's NYT where there's a wonderful piece by Peter Wehner, "The Uncommon Power of Grace" where he talks about the radical equality of grace. He notes that "grace is “some combination of generosity and magnanimity, kindness and forgiveness, and empathy — all above the ordinary call of duty, and bestowed even (or especially?) when not particularly earned.” I hope that we can all show more grace in the upcoming year. You could start by showing some for Jay Powell and Jim Mattis.

Send my best wishes to Melania and Barron.

Happy Christmas,



