My dear Friend and President, DJT,
Do you think I am afflicted with the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" you tweeted about today? Do you think Mitt Romney has it? Did you know "derangement" is a math word? I just found out that it comes from combinatorics and is "a permutation of the elements of a set, such that no element appears in its original position." Basically, things get so mixed up that nothing is where it started.
from: Hassani, Mehdi. "Derangements and Applications". Journal of Integer Sequences (JIS), Volume 6, Issue 1, Article 03.1.2, 2003.
Isn't that what you wanted to do with the government? Isn't "draining the swamp" all about rearranging things so much that everything is in a new place? Perhaps a "blow up" would be a better descriptor. I'm afraid a "shut down" is the opposite of a "blow up" so perhaps it would be best to accept the funding deal that Nancy and Bob are offering so you can continue with blowing up the government.
I am intrigued with your schedule for the day. I suspect that you are going to use this morning's cabinet meeting to alert your team about a plan and then use your Congressional Briefings this afternoon to tell the rest of the government about the plan. Did Lindsay Graham have a hand in the plan? Will Kirstjen Nielsen or Mick Mulvaney be running the meeting?Are you following the advice of the WSJ and trading citizenship for DREAMERs for funding for a "wall"? That sounds like a reasonable compromise.
I know it's hard to hear constructive criticism but I encourage you to give Mitt Romney credit for engaging in "parrhesia," speaking truth to power in his WP op-ed yesterday. At the very least you could agree with his final statement that we should "raise our sights and respect the dignity of every child of God."
I look forward to hearing about your meetings today,